downy woodpeckers drum morning in our pillows or are they jack hammer muffled calls or are they drilling for insects hidden in rotten house sidings you asleep into the nook of my arm rest your ear
Poem recommended by:
Angie Trudell Vasquez
Madison Poet Laureate, Madison Public Library Poet-in-Residence
Why I chose this poem:
Beatrice Szymkowiak is a French-American writer. She is the author of the chapbook RED ZONE (Finishing Line Press, 2018) and was the winner of the 2017 Omnidawn Single Poem Broadside Contest. Her poems have also appeared in several poetry magazines. Exploratory and experimental, her poetry investigates the new environmental trajectory of the Anthropocene. She currently teaches English and Creative Writing at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where she is pursuing her PhD in Creative Writing.
Poem source:
Through This Door: Wisconsin in Poems