Staff working at the annual "Summer Reading Concert & Picnic" event at Olbrich Botanical Gardens.
Hiring Overview
All hiring for library positions is handled through the City of Madison. Information regarding open positions and printable job application forms are available at the city's Human Resources website. Following is a brief description of most-applied for positions and their brief job descriptions. More detailed descriptions are available as positions are open (see Employment Opportunities).
This is a professional position requiring an MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program or related library experience. Librarians are responsible for reference, programming, collection development and other professional duties depending on the library location. Librarians are hired on an as-needed basis, and tests are given once applications for an open position have been acquired. Positions are part- or full-time, with prorated benefits.
Library Assistant
Library assistants are para-professional staff members responsible for reference desk work, circulation work, and other duties as assigned. To be a library assistant, applicants must have demonstrated professional experience. Library assistants are hired on an as-needed basis, and tests may be given once applications for an open position have been acquired. Positions are part- or full-time, with prorated benefits.
Clerks are responsible for circulation desk work and require familiarity with computers and keyboarding, as well as customer service skills. Clerks are hired on an as-needed basis, and tests are given once applications for an open position have been acquired. Positions are part- or full-time, with prorated benefits.
Library Pages are typically responsible for shelving and circulation desk work. Applicants for Page positions must be at least 16 years old. These positions are part-time, entry-level positions with minimal benefits.
The library hires interns on a seasonal basis, some paid and others unpaid. Visit our volunteer and intern page for more information about opportunities to intern at Madison Public Library.