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Book Club Kits
Book Lists
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Go Big Read
Live Well @ Your Library
Library Takeover
Learning at the Library
Madison Public Library provides many opportunities for adults to learn a new skill or tool, in group workshops or with one-on-one instruction and assistance.
Request a Speaker, Tour, or Workshop-On-The-Go
Contact us at community@madisonpubliclibrary.org if you want to schedule a visit to the library or have the library come to your organization to give a brief presentation on one of the topics listed below:
- Things you can do with your Madison Public Library card
- Finding Community Information Online
- Researching Your Business Idea
- Library services and resources for older adults and ESL patrons
If you are an Educator working with Youth age 0-18, connect with one of our Youth Services or Teen Services Librarians.
If you are interested in hosting a special event at Central Library, connect with our Special Events team to arrange a tour.
Gaming at the Library
Come to the library for an old fashioned board game night or play Minecraft, try the Nintendo Switch or join a Dungeons & Dragons group!
Cinesthesia 2025
Central Library's monthly film series, Cinesthesia, takes place on Wednesday nights from 6-8:30pm
Puzzlepalooza: Puzzle Competition and Puzzle Swap
Get a team together or sign up as an individual for a puzzle competition at Central Library on Saturday, January 11 from 9:30am - 1pm