EBSCOhost is a collection of databases provided by EBSCO and funded through a statewide contract with BadgerLink. Most databases reference collections of magazine articles or newspaper articles, each with a different focus. You may search all databases, or use only the collection that interests you by connecting to individual collections below. A few EBSCO products have different search functions and interfaces due to the nature of the content. Content includes Business Source Premier, Consumer Health Complete, ERIC, MasterFILE Complete, MEDLINE and much more.
Signing in:
- Click on the blue Connect to EBSCOhost button above
- Search for Madison Public Library, and make sure you are selecting the correct "Madison" at 201 West Mifflin St in Wisconsin:
- Enter your library card number and click Sign in
Getting started with a general search:
- Select one database, -or- click on the All EBSCOhost Databases link
- If you selected All EBSCOhost Databases, you can narrow down your selections by clicking on the All databases list
- Uncheck the Select all box to narrow down and select specific databases
Selecting all Selecting specific databases Pros More results Results could be more relevant
Faster search
Cons Slower search
Results may not be as relevant
Fewer results
- At the bottom of the screen, click Select
- Type a keyword (examples: greek mythology, stamp collecting, wildfires, etc.)
- Some of your results will be Full-text articles which you can read and save by clicking on the associated link that says HTML Full Text or PDF Full Text; some of your results will be citations to journal/magazine/newspaper articles that may be possible to obtain via an Outerlibrary Loan request.
- You can also refine your results by publication date or other filters that can be seen in a column along the left side of your search results list
For more help, please call 608-266-6300 or Ask a Librarian online

Access provided through Badgerlink. Wisconsin's Online Library, providing Wisconsin residents with licensed content not available through regular search engines. BadgerLink is a service provided by the Department of Public Instruction and our resources and staff are paid for with state funding and federal funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.