Native Wisconsin Seeds are now available in six - yes SIX - of our libraries! This year, we've added another new library location to the Seed Library - Hawthorne Library! You can now pick up seed packets at Sequoya, Meadowridge, Pinney, Goodman South Madison, Lakeview and Hawthorne Libraries - no library card needed. Why Native seeds now? Native Wisconsin plant seeds are best sown in the fall and left to overwinter.
Update 01/18/24: Pinney, Sequoya and Hawthorne Libraries have run out of seeds. Please call other locations to check their supply before visiting.
We want to thank everyone who volunteered to help package native Wisconsin seeds in December. With your help, we are able to offer nine different seed varieties, including wild bergamot, smooth blue aster, butterfly weed and others.
Did you know that we source our native seeds locally? We partner with Dane County Parks, who run their own program throughout late summer and into fall to collect, clean, weigh and sow thousands of pounds of seed from hundreds of native plant species. If they were to purchase the seed, it would cost them over a million dollars! What isn't donated to the library is used to help restore hundreds of acres of habitat each year. We love being able to work with fantastic local partners to get these seeds into our libraries and out to the public, and it's even more incredible to see how many volunteers it takes from each of our organizations to make it all possible!