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Book reviews by library staff and guest contributors

Disappearing twin

Cover of Beautiful Lies
A review of Beautiful Lies by Jessica Warman
Beautiful Lies was an amazing book. The fact that it offered many experiences that I haven't been exposed to was incredible. It showed me what could happen with a problem that I may not currently face. Somehow, even though the story was very different from my life, I was still able to relate with the character. I knew how she felt when her twin disappeared as I would be devastated if one of my siblings just disappeared mysteriously. I would definitely recommend this book as well as other books by Jessica Warman.
Jan 16, 2018

Monsters need to eat, too

Cover of Brave Chef Brianna
A review of Brave Chef Brianna by Jillian Crab

A famous chef and restaurateur in failing health decides to pit his children against one another in order for one of them to achieve the rights to his successful empire.  All of the children (12 boys!) and one daughter, Brianna Jakobsson, must start a new restaurant.  The child with the most successful restaurant wins the inheritance.  Each restaurant must be in a different town and all of the children must open their restaurant without any assistance from their father.  Brianna is at a major disadvantage because she is the youngest in the family and has only recently graduated from culinar

Jan 12, 2018

Nothing to do but read

Cover of Vacation Reading
Vacation Reading by

I often read a fair amount of reading (understatement) over holidays and vacations but for this most recent bout of holiday days off I topped myself. Mostly because it's just been so darn cold! What else is there to do other then huddle under a blanket and read? All this is to say, I may have several posts of vacation reads.  I'll start today with a couple of the more romance-y titles.

Jan 4, 2018

The skeleton in the attic

Cover of Beau Death
A review of Beau Death by Peter Lovesey

Peter Diamond may wince at being called the ‘veteran superintendent’ of the Bath, England police force, but it will prove impossible to escape historical comparisons with the city’s newest crime scene. Or maybe it’s the oldest crime scene? The recent demolition of eighteenth century row houses reveals a literal skeleton in the attic of one of the condemned buildings—and this one happens to be unmistakably dressed as Beau Nash, one of Bath’s most famous denizens, in authentic 1760s-era clothing.

Jan 3, 2018

Sweet Anticipation for January 2018

New Titles by

Well, readers, it’s time to bid 2017 adieu. The year saw its share of notable titles although no one blockbuster dominated the scene as in previous years. Instead, it was a year for rediscovering old classics such as The Handmaid’s Tale and 1984, word-of-mouth hits (A Gentleman in Moscow and Before We Were Yours being prime examples) and of course, a new political book or memoir appearing on shelves seemingly every week. But that was the old year, and new titles of 2018 beckon.  Forward, readers!

Dec 26, 2017


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