This sale takes place at the Friends of Sequoya Bookshop, ...
Events Search
Find more information about the Friends of Sequoya on their Facebook page
The Pinney Saturday Music Series welcomes performers on the first Saturday of the month...
Join us to READ and Play together. When children engage with books, songs, and play, they...
Need help updating a resume or cover letter, applying for jobs online, or brushing up on basic...
Join us on Monday afternoon for library fun--you never know what might happen!
Play Minecraft in both creative and survival worlds! Gaming devices will be provided and...
Play Minecraft in both survival and creative worlds! There is a limited number of computers, so...
Chess meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month from 4-5:45 p.m. Come and learn chess basics...
Join memoir writing coach Sarah White for this FREE read-and-share event. Sign up on arrival to...
*Note: this event takes place at the Lussier Community Education Center -- 55 S. Gammon Rd*...